Wednesday, January 26, 2011

This is Issacc and he is our friends' little boy. They brought him home from Columbia a few weeks after we brought Ash and Mekie home. The kids had off Martin Luther King day so my friend, Natalie, brought her kids out so we could offically meet our adopted children. It was so good to catch up and see how God is moving in their lives to advocate for adoption!
These are their 3 boys and our 4 kids. So it was a fun afternoon with 7 kids!

These pictures came about today after Mekie found a picture in a book of a dog wearing glasses and playing on a computer. The kids thought it was so funny. So the 4 kids worked together to plan how dress Molly in glasses and play on the computer. So below is the final picture with Molly in glasses working on the computer! Good job working together kids!

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