Monday, May 16, 2011

Tullo Latrine Project - Matching Challenge!

First off, we want to say thank you so much to all of the generous people that have donated financially to the Tullo Bathroom project. The entire Starved4Hope team is greatful for your generosity that will have such a huge impact on the children of this region. Having a sanitary restroom will certainly improve the health and hygiene for these kids. Scripture tells us you will be richly rewarded in heaven for your selfless acts on earth.

Now, the challenge part! We have raised a total of $9,650 of the $11,984 needed to complete this project. We've come so far, so there's no chance we're stopping now! We need to raise the remaining $2,334 and we need your help. We are issuing a matching challenge for anyone who donates $100 or more until this project is completed. So... if someone steps up to donate $1,000, we'll match that donation and be within a couple hundred bucks! Or, if 11 different people make $100 donations, we'll match all of them! Either way, we need your help to get this over the goal line. I know this sounds like a typical fundraising gimmick. However, when children's lives are at stake all gimmicks are fair game as far as we're concerned! Struggling to believe that installing a bathroom in Ethiopia can actually save lives? Trust me, it's not a stretch...

The second part of this offer is we will be giving away 2 Simply Love T-shirts for FREE!
Here is how to get into the drawing:
*Post a comment on our blog is one ticket
*Post this blog posting on your facebook page or blog is one ticket
*Donating to the Bathroom project -Every $25 is a ticket

Here's a picture of the shirts. And... proceeds from every shirt go to support the adoption process for the Detmers family in Ft. Wayne, IN. So by making a donation to the bathroom project you can support 2 great causes, not just 1!

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